The urgency of today demands more of us than waiting.
These are unprecedented times that call for new and better politics. I am committed to a bold, just vision that includes all Minnesotans. I know that together we can create a Minnesota with a bright future for all of us. I will organize with you, work with you, and we will find new ways to care for each other and our communities.
We are in this together.
- Erin
Erin is proud to be supported by
MAPE | Minnesota AFL-CIO | Saint Paul Regional Labor Federation | AFSCME Council 5 | Service Employees International Union (SEIU) | IBEW Local 110 | Teamsters Joint Council 32 | North Central States Regional Council of Carpenters | Minnesota Nurses Assocation | Education Minnesota | Planned Parenthood | Women Winning | Pro-Choice Minnesota | MN NOW | Protect Minnesota | 314 Action | MN 350 Action | Conservation Minnesota | Sierra Club-North Star Chapter | Boundary Waters Action Fund | Minnesota Professional Firefighters | MN Medical Association (MEDPAC) | Outfront | Stonewall DFL| FairVote Minnesota| Take Action Minnesota | Progressive Turnout Committee to Protect Health Care | Maiv PAC
"We must swiftly and passionately chart a new course for the sake of our planet, our communities, and our children."